Wednesday, March 7, 2012

this is what's giving me a hard time!

 a ghost account named castor troy commented on my status... . actually it is what bothers me this past  few months...

here's how it goes.... 

"I call upon all the students of __________ college to stand in unison against the people who constantly oppresses us. Let us cast aside our indifferences. May you be from the College of Nursing or from the College of Arts and Science. May you be from Cluster A or from Cluster be. Cast those indifferences to flames and forge an alliance stronger than steel itself.

This manifesto is for the students that are currently being compromised by the administration through their conspiracy to pull the reputation of the institution up in exchange for the welfare of the soon-to-be graduates. Let me elaborate it further. Many will not graduate this semester for the reason that they are giving way for the more intellectually gifted and presumed board passers to simply have a higher passing rate. Sections beyond the so called “cream sections” are set aside for their explicit dream. Many believe this theory and here are the reasons why:
1. Grades are hidden from their sight meaning the actual results of the exam are not shown but rather only the printed output.
2. Scanthrons are missing whenever they are being asked by students for reviews.
3. Final part of the semester is already ending but grades from Prelims and Midterms are not yet even computed.
4. Computation of grades are changed frequently more than students can change their underwear.
5. Their decisions are for themselves and are not even deliberated with the student bodies.
6. What have their petty meetings in secrecy
7. The results of that planning are Empirical and absolute not even the professors are entitled to their opinions.
8. They plan on extensive reviews when most of the students are failing.

They tried to detain us with lies saying those are for are for our own benefits when they don’t even know what good really is.
They changed us in an image in their own ideals.
They apply changes when change itself is unchangeable.
They insult us with their promise of greatness and glory when all they do is sit in their fancy throne laughing at are miseries.
Let this kindle a fire and spread like forest fire to give way for a clearing, a clearing for our open-mindedness. Let our shouts echo to mount Olympus so that heretic gods tremble in shame. Let them know we are the institution itself and not pawns for their games. Let them know that that we have the power to change our own destiny and they are only to watch over us. And let them know that we will not let them do it their own way. Let them know that we are who we are. For we are ONE united for our future. We are the ______!!!

In support for our cause let us bear red tags, may it be armbands as long they know that red symbolizes are grievances, passion for freedom and life as a symbol of blood pumping in our hearts.

If you support our cause please pass this message along the way." - Castor Troy

sighs... i just pray that all of this will pass,,, in Jesus name..

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